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  • Gentle movements with big impact!

  • Release tight muscles and realign the skeleton. 

  • Core strengthening for beginners, or anyone looking to improve their form.

  • Increased joint mobility and range of movement. 

  • A probable reduction in nonspecific aches and pains.

DO YOU... sit with poor posture or cross legged, do sedentry activities, asymmetric activites eg driving or wear imperfectly fitting shoes?  These can all create tiny and  often unnoticeable muscle spasm.  This causes bones to be pulled out of alignment and creates improper biomechanics resulting in aches non-specific aches and niggles. 


Probably the only populations on Earth with properly functioning skeletons are bare foot hunter gatherer communities!.

Incorect biomechanics
  • The body compensates, possibly through misaligned pelvis, curvature of the spine, functional leg length discrepancy and more.

  • Movements become more difficult and the joints may be unable to move through their full range of motion.   Exercise can lead to aches and pains.

  • General stiffness and aches

  • Loss of form and ability in sports and exercise

  • Inability to engage the core muscles

  • Functional leg length difference

  • Misaligned pelvis

  • Round shoulders

  • Recurrent injury

  • Back pain

  • Reduced emotional wellbeing as a result



Correcting Biomechanics
  • Reduced microspasm in muscles leading to a realigned pelvis and spine.


  • The cause of many bodily aches and pains including back ache is reduced.  Nerves start to function  more effectively.

  • Joints become more mobile and function normally.

  • Movement becomes easier and more free.

  • Sporting ability improves.

  • Posture improves.

  • Core muscles can be engaged effectively

  • The cause of around 80% of back ache is reduced.

'This is not an exercise class for toning and weight loss - this is intrinsic biomechanics!  Look after your skeleton and move more freely by releasing the muscles that can lead to stiffness and general aches and pains'. 
   Who is this class for?


  • Anyone who wants to move more freely!
  • Anyone who playes sports or exercises and is serious about improving their game!
  • Anyone who cares about staying mobile!
  • Anyone who would love to feel more comfortable sitting, walking, standing or lying down.
What is iMoveFreely®?


Biomechanics is the way your skeleton moves and how your muscles co-ordinate to create that movement.  Very often muscles that feel tight are actually in spasm, this means that they are contracting involuntarily, and they can literally pull your bones out of alignment.  This leads to pain and a decreased range of motion in the joints.  iMoveFreely® release techniques can improve both of these symptoms, often in a short space of time and are safe for anyone to perform.  These classes are recomended for everyone, as misalignment can lead to wear and tear of the spine and other joints over time.  If you are embarking on a fitness regime or want to improve an existing one, or just want to feel less stiff and more mobile then give your skeleton a treat by correcting it's biomechanics.     

When and where...


iMoveFreely® moves are included in my Wednesday and Friday classes, see the classes page for details. 




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